As readers know I have been wanting to upgrade my AR15A2 to an A3 configuration. First, it was a money issue, then we ran into a tool issue. Well today, thanks to Midway USA's fast shipping, I got the appropriate wrench and I am done. Took me longer than it probably should have, but this was my first barrel swap. My apologies, I am a horrible picture taker.
First my shop such as it is:
Yes this is a Zombie warning poster my kids got me for Christmas
My hand built work bench, I need a bigger tool box, donations anyone? I plan on putting either a place to do spray finish in the corner or a power tool.
My Oly as it was earlier today
Here it is apart I know, I know basic stuff. The story behind the front sight tower still being on the rifle and me needing to order a different wrench all has to do with the AWB. I ruined a brass punch, bent that sucker three ways trying to knock out the front sight pins. The I hammered on them for over an hour trying to remove them...Come to find out, they are permanent so people could not put a front sight tower with a bayonet lug on it. That is how old school my rifle is. Now to bring it to the 21st century. Notice the heavy barrel. This thing will shoot straight when I do my part.
Here it is, with the gas tube finally lined up. It only took me 3-4 tries to get the gas tube lined up. The Barrel Nut Alignment Gauge from Brownells was a life saver. I actually did not need the snap ring pliers, as I did not need to remove the Delta ring assembly. I was also able to reuse the gas tube and gas tube roll pin. Remember always punch out left to right and put back in right to left on all AR pins.
Here it is in all together
Yes,that is a Magpul hand guard and rails. Call me a homer, sue me. I am going to move the light to the vertical grip rail and put the laser with the pressure switch at the 1 o'clock.
Magpul 1st Gen BUIS,got a good price on it.
BUIS deployed lined up perfectly. The good thing about having to leave the front sight tower on is if I got the barrel nut correct it would be lined up as well.
Right side view
Here it is, in all its glory, the AR15A3 RK. There are still some details to work out such as putting a different stock on it and optics. Any suggestions on optics? Leupold and Trijicon are right out, cannot afford them.
I also staked the carrier key screws today as well. Sadly, Oly arms did not do this when it made the rifle. Or at least their bolt manufacturer did not.
Above is the Barrel Nut Alignment gauge from Brownells $6.00
Anti Seize Lubricant (from AutoZone) for the upper receiver barrel nut threads. $4.00
Keep this stuff handy. I have it in my range bag and ues it almost exclusively on my bench.
Breaker Bar from Autozone $30.00
Combination Wrench Midway $20.00
Master Punch Set Brownells $100, good stuff in this.
Torque Wrench from Amazon $30 including shipping.
A lot of the tools used for this project were from the hardware store.
This is my Rifle there are many like it but this one is mine.